Get start with Website API by using SDK.
This some example use SDK to call website API payment.
Download SDK from Github following SDK page support.

Download privatekey by
Login from user/password you got from ksher.
Click "IT integration" menu
Click "Reset"
Enter Password
Download privatekey.pem or see How to download Key page for see step by step.
in page "IT integration" will display "appid", copy for use when request data.
change "appid", "mch_code" and private key in SDK.
change "total_fee" to "100" (add 00 for decimal) "channel_list" to wallet channel name.
Try to call gateway_pay if evrything correct you will got link payment.
from ksher.ksher_pay_sdk import KsherPay
appid = "mch35000"
privatekey = "/Users/yourpath/repo/ksher_sdk_python/mch_privkey.pem"
pubkey = "/Users/yourpath/repo/ksher_sdk_python/ksher_pubkey.pem"
payment_handle = KsherPay(appid, privatekey, pubkey)
data = {
"total_fee": "100",
"fee_type": "THB", # Currency code
"mch_code": "", # order transaction
"refer_url": "", # homepage
"mch_redirect_url":"", # success page to redirected
"mch_redirect_url_fail":"", # fail page to redirected
"mch_notify_url":"", # call back over API after paid success
"product_name":"", # product name display to customer
"channel_list":"promptpay,linepay,airpay,truemoney,atome,card,ktc_instal,kbank_instal,kcc_instal,kfc_instal,scb_easy,bbl_deeplink,baybank_deeplink,kplus,alipay,wechat,card,ktc_instal,kbank_instal,kcc_instal,kfc_instal" # Payment list can select.
data['mch_order_no'] = "HelloWebsite"
resp = payment_handle.gateway_pay(data)
After run you will got JSON response like this
"code": 0,
"data": {
"pay_content": ""
"lang": "",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"msg": "SUCCESS",
"sign": "6608b289c41550669d34236fd878045a5f95ad4a67b40988c4892ff71972ce2d809f453284b81c2c64dea5fbee826e6e81bf67a1644439a7e7917e555fbf8a9e"
copy URL inside "pay_content" to Web browser you will see website like this.

After paid success, it will redirect to URL "mch_redirect_url" you config.
checking webhook response at "mch_notify_url". If customer paid merchant will got response on webhook.
//Example JSON Webhook response
"code": 0,
"msg": "操作成功",
"data": {
"channel": "airpay",
"openid": "",
"channel_order_no": "1223163330",
"cash_fee_type": "",
"ksher_order_no": "90020210419144106177287",
"nonce_str": "wrveV11olt7dnVirIy8JIwqd2XyAhBcP",
"time_end": "2021-04-19 13:41:47",
"fee_type": "THB",
"attach": "",
"rate": "1.000000",
"result": "SUCCESS",
"total_fee": 100,
"appid": "mch35005",
"cash_fee": "",
"mch_order_no": "202104191340",
"pay_mch_order_no": "2104191340545623"
"sign": "382ce3cda4c7959ff663fcda9289e13a0d582bafe37a4605213c98ffe794baca396add79d9af6567a50797eb9fd6bcb62177fcbd971f0f9f2d7a40942c6da4e9",
"message": "操作成功"