Payment Introduction
Ksher provides all solution of payment systems with one API code which can connect to all payment method.
If you want to create your own web page or application, you can use one API and separate into various payment methods. It is a convenient and fast for integration. Any further information about IT Integration, please contact Ksher Technical Support Team.

Why E-Wallet?
Thailand is now entering a Cashless Society era. Government is now continually promoting the cashlesspayment through e-wallet. There are currently over 100 million of e-wallet users throughout the country and keep growing due to Covid-19 Situation. Most benefit that merchant will be received after integrated E-wallet system is E-wallet Marketing support which can help you promote your online store through various E-wallet media such as those E-wallet applications page,target selection to promote or merchant recommendation on those E-wallet Facebook Page, LINE Official Account which is another way to reach more customers to your online store.