How to Refund

Refund Process There are two methods of the refund process

Merchant Platform

  1. Click Transaction Management menu

  2. find the transaction which need to be refunded.

  3. Refund Button At the last column.

  4. Press the refund button and fill your password to confirm

for more detail please check How to use Merchant Platform.

Ksher Boss Pro Application

  1. Click Transaction button

  2. select the transaction which need to be refunded.

  3. Press refund button

  4. fill your password to confirm

for more detail please check How to use Ksher Boss Pro Application.

Refund Rules & Method

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The default refund over transaction day mode for all Ksher merchants is 'User Balance Mode'.

Which means if merchants want to make a refund over transaction day, merchants have to recieved transaction to their Ksher account equal or more than the amount merchants want to refund, then merchant will be able to process refund successfully.

If merchants urgently need a successfully refund, merchants can contact Ksher customer service to coordinate to transfer money to top-up in merchant’s Ksher account so that the merchant can make the refund successfully.